
A Tax Day Tradition!!

     We have a little tax day tradition that somehow got started here several years ago and it goes something like this.  Husband buys Turbo Tax from Costco  (the only store he "shops") at the end of every year as soon as it comes out.
     April arrives.  Turbo Tax has not been seen and taxes are not done.  Two to four days before taxes are due husband looks for "misplaced" Turbo Tax.  Husband sends wife and kids into a frenzy looking for Turbo Tax.  Wife tells husband it is probably in one of his dresser drawers.  Husband denies but eventually finds said tax program in his dresser.

     The living room becomes the office of my crazy accountant/husband.  The world is put on temporary hold.  The tension in the house is palpable.  The envelopes and paperwork are everywhere.  There are coffee mugs scattered about.  There are hours of silence and darkness. 
     And then, through the magic of electronics, it is announced through the darkness that our State and Federal taxes have been filed!!  The wife is expected to rejoice in happiness, but secretly wonders why he waits!!  The husband confidently walks away from said scattered paperwork feeling very accomplished and smug about his ability to work under deadlines and pressure.  The frenzied paperwork may or may not be picked up between now and.... April 2013!!
     Here's hoping we come up with a better plan by next year!!  Hope things went better for you!!  Ha!!  Happy Tax Day!!!

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