
Easy, Fun...Pretty in the Sun!!

     Time out for a quick sun catcher craft project...copied/repinned from my cousin and aunt who found it on Pinterest.
     (Funny side note:  I remember seeing that my aunt had "pinned" this project and was surprised when I looked to find I did not repin it from her....sometimes during my 1 am Pinterest sessions I actually think I get so tired/lazy that I apparently run out of energy to "pin".  Pretty pathetic, right!?)
     The glass gems are pretty easy to find.  I think even the dollar store has them, although we got ours at Joanns. 

     We also used the clear Elmer's glue

Then you can use lids from things like cream cheese containers, or whatever.  (This turned out to be a great way to clean out my frig, too!)  Cover the bottom of the lid with the glue and then begin placing the glass gems any which way, pattern or no pattern, that you want.  Just be sure to put them "flat side down" into the glue.  
If it makes you feel better, you can add a little more glue after you've placed your glass.  Just don't cover the top of your glass gems.
 Takes a good 2-3 days to dry.  Peel carefully out of lid.  Find a good solid place to run some fishing line through the glue and then hang in your favorite window using a suction cup!!

I think we will be doing this again as it is fast, easy and inexpensive.  Actually, we are thinking of making some of these into coasters!!  There are probably tons of ways to use this simple technique!


Heather (GurleeGirrl) said...

LOVE this idea. My daughter thanks you for the idea :)

Kerri said...

How easy is this craft?! I love it....we are definitely gonna try this one SOON!! Thanks for sharing!

Sarah said...


*~Dani~* said...

Coasters is a brilliant idea!